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Posts : 51
Join date : 2007-12-12
Age : 38
Location : Bacolod City

PostSubject: RULES AND REGULATIONS   RULES AND REGULATIONS Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 3:57 pm

Definitions used in this page

"You" or "Your" as in the person reading this page or any user posting on Frihost.

"Moderators & Administrators" as in the Moderators & Administrators of the Forum, the people who look after the forum.

"We" as in IMPACT Moderating and Administrating Team.

"Us" as in IMPACT Moderating and Administrating Team.

The following rules apply to Posting in the Forum as well as Private Messaging.

1. General Rules

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain obscene/pornographic/offensive material nor links to web pages which contain such material.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain links to or ask for information on warez, crackz, etc. or re-print material without permission.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not degrade, insult or disrespect other users or groups of people.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not harass other users or groups of people.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain direct or indirect referral/affiliate links or links that you get credit for when people click on.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain flame bait or anything encouraging another user to break the rules.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain sites/links/scripts that are harmful to another user's computer.

Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not imply, in a derogatory or discriminatory manner, that your culture, religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, country and/or language is superior to any other culture, religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, country and/or language. (Note that opinions can be expressed in a positive manner for the sake of discussion)
Posts, avatars, signatures and usernames must not contain sites/links to or information about another webhost.

Members are only allowed to have one account. Registering multiple accounts is not allowed.

Posts advertising ad blockers (not popup blockers) are not allowed.

Any of the rules broken in this category may result in a warning or a ban

2. Rules related to posts

Posts and Topics are to be made in the relevant forum. We request that you read the Forum Descriptions before posting. If you consistently post in the wrong forum you will be given a warning.

Back-seat moderating is not allowed. If you witness someone break a rule or you think (s)he did, please send a private message to a moderator or administrator containing a link to the offending post or topic.
Do not reply to the offending post or topic and attempt to handle the situation yourself. If you attempt to handle the situation yourself, a warning might be given.

Do not attempt to cuss or bypass the filter. Bypassing the filter may result in your entire post getting snipped.

Do not post anything that doesn't contribute to the topic (such as "lol", "haha").

Do not revert a post's content back after a Moderator or Administrator has edited it.

Do not create a trashed post's content back after a Moderator or Administrator has deleted it.

If your thread has been locked (or trashed or moved to the Spam Can) by a Moderator, you may not start a new thread on the same topic without first sending a PM to the Moderator in question and discussing with him/her the reasons for your thread being locked (or trashed).

Do not spam. Your post will be removed without warning and you will be warned. If you continue to spam even after being warned, you may be banned and your hosting account may be removed.

The moderating team reserve the right to edit or remove any post at any time. The determination of what is construed as indecent, vulgar, spam, etc. as noted in these points is up to the Moderating Team and not the users.

You are not allowed to dig a topic up without a good reason.

Failure to use QUOTE tags at all (i.e. copying and pasting material from another site as if it were your own).

Failure to state the source of quoted material.

Posting quoted material, even if properly marked, without providing any original content of your own.

Double Posting is not allowed. We know which double posts are caused by the system and which are not.
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